Monday, March 16, 2009

Nayanthara does Thulabharam offering!

Nayanthara does Thulabharam offering!

March 16th, 2009

Thulabharam is an important ritual at Hindu temples in Kerala. In the ritual, the devotee sits on the one side of a weighing balance. The other side is filled with materials he/she wishes to offer for any wish that has been granted or wants to fulfill. Normally people offer sugar, jaggery, plantains, sacred leaves etc.

And guess who did Thulabharam yesterday at the famous Chettikulangara Devi temple in Mavelikkara near Alleppy in Kerala? It was none other than Nayanthara the top actress of south India.

The actress came to the temple around 11 am on Friday (March 13) morning and after praying she offered Thulabharam with plantains, one of the most important rituals in the temple. Nayan also ate the lunch (Kanji and puzhukku) provided by the temple to all devotees and returned back home.

The actress is in her home town for a small break from the sets of KS Ravikumar directed Aadhavan opposite Surya. Says Nayan: “I always go to temples whenever I get time and is in Kerala. In fact this is the second time that I offered Thulabharam at Chettikulangara. It was sort of thanksgiving to Bhagavathy”.

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