Friday, June 12, 2009

Sneha Ready For Hardcore Lip Kiss!

Sneha Ready For Hardcore Lip Kiss!

June 12, 2009

She is known as the sensuous beauty of the southern circuit and given her domestic sex appeal, she has been the most sought after actress for such roles. However, her career graph has not been that bright in the recent past due to this image. We are talking about the smilingly seductive Sneha.

Now, Sneha is said to have decided to change her track and she has gone to the glamour and action way. For now, she is busy with the completion of her cop flick ‘Bhavani IPS’ and now, it is being buzzed that Sneha has also given a green signal to indulge into lip locking sequences.

Many say that with the kind of sex appeal and glamour that starlets like Anushka, Nayantara and Ileana have been oozing, it is but natural that Sneha had to do something to be in the race. But the important thing is, how will her ardent lady fans react to her decision.

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