Sunday, November 29, 2009

Madhumitha pins hopes on her film

Madhumitha pins hopes on her film

November 30, 2009

Siva Balaji’s wife Madhumitha says that her career is based on her upcoming Tamil film ’Yogi’. Madumitha, who did couple of roles before marriage is busy doing films after marriage also. The actress says that Yogi will earn her huge. She also deserves that she is not looking for a commercial hit. She is not intrested to do small charecters and is waiting for a big one.

All the best Madhumitha…

Siva Balaji’s wife Madhumitha says that her career is based on her upcoming Tamil film ’Yogi’. Madumitha, who did couple of roles before marriage is busy doing films after marriage also. The actress says that Yogi will earn her huge. She also deserves that she is not looking for a commercial hit. She is not intrested to do small charecters and is waiting for a big one.

All the best Madhumitha…

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