Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Divya Spandana may start a live-in-relationship with Raphael

Divya Spandana may start a live-in-relationship with Raphael

May 25, 2011

Actress Divya Spandana aka Ramya is all set to start a live in relationship with her Portugal boyfriend Raphael. The actress has confirmed the reports that she is in love with Raphael, who was known as Roberto as well.

According to Divya Spandana, Raphael received several spam messages and so he renamed his profile as Roberto, to cheat the spammers. So, the Indian media started to report that Divya was dating Roberto.

But Divya Spandana has clarified that her boyfriends name is Raphael and his parents are from Germany and Switzerland. Ramya and Raphael met at a New Year party and then started to date each other, from the past 8 months.

Divya has clarified that she will get married only after 2 years from now on and considers that ‘live in relationship’ is not a bad idea for her. [HC]

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1 comments: on "Divya Spandana may start a live-in-relationship with Raphael"

Anonymous said...

i think he may be a big fool to marry her.

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