Saturday, December 27, 2008

"Can’t go to the pool in saree"

"Can’t go to the pool in saree"

December 27th, 2008

Priyamani, who won the coveted National Award for the Best Actress, is upset with mediapersons who repeatedly question her on her glamour roles in films.

“Why are they making a hue and cry only when I act glamourously? Many of my peers act more glamourously than me, they are not questioned. Yes, I have appeared in a single-piece suit in the Telugu film ‘Drona’. You can’t go to the swimming pool clad in a saree, can you? I only hope the press stops making it a big issue,” says Priyamani.

The deglamourised look was necessary for her character in ‘Paruthiveeran’ and it didn’t mean that she should portray similar roles in all her films, she says.

She is now doing ‘Arumugam’, opposite Bharath and Mani Ratnam’s ‘Asokavanam’, opposite Prithviraj.

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