Sunday, December 28, 2008

Pooja Gandhi backs out of the New Years Eve bash

Pooja Gandhi backs out of the New Years Eve bash

December 28th, 2008

Pooja Gandhi who had an above average film career this year is happy to be a part of the sandalwood and is also delighted the way her film career is shaping down. With the New Year’s Eve slowly approaching, many celebrities are being asked about their New Year parties. Some stars are also participating on stage shows in order to entertain their fans in India and Abroad.

But Pooja denies her New Year bash rumors and prefers to stay in the house on 31st December. Pooja described the recent Mumbai massacre as a big scare and so due to the terrorist conspiracies wants to avoid any kind of unfortunate incident. So, for this reason, the dusky beauty likes to enjoy the ne years’ eve partying in the house and has also not accepted any kind of stage shows from many heavy paying event management companies.

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