Friday, December 26, 2008

Shriya Did Not Attend The New Year Celebration

Shriya Did Not Attend The New Year Celebration

December 26th, 2008

Aftermath of the Mumbai carnage has led to drastic changes all over the country and its influence has fell upon the entertainment quotient too. Female stars in the cinema are now reluctant to perform stage dances during the New Year eve due to security reasons. The ritual of hiring top heroines for shows during party nights on the day has been in vogue for a long time. Remunerated with a huge sum of money by the star hotels, they never had any complaints till now.

But, the recent wreckage of Taj, Oberoi and Trident in Mumbai has sent a chill down their spines. Due to security issues, some hotels have suspended their plans to host New Year celebrations. Yet, many are planning to as it’s a source of considerable income from these functions. Participants of 2007’s celebrations, actresses Shreya, Sadha, Meghna Naidu, Mallika Kapoor, Samiksha, Charmi, Pooja Gandhi along with many other heroines have now said a definite no to attend such events this year.

Manoj Kumar, manager said, “A slew of heroines participated as guests in last year’s celebrations. I personally arranged the dates for them. But, this time no one has turned up. Along with the terrorist attacks, people who attend the parties behave indecorous as they feel the heroines are being paid by them. Such issues has refrained the stars from being a part of these parties.”

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