Sunday, December 28, 2008

Vindhya marriage life is flop?

Vindhya marriage life is flop?

December 28th, 2008

Divorce is become common word and now a day there is more and more couples are applying for divorce. Tamils forget their culture and current generation is doesn’t know the meaning for Give and Take policy. Western culture is spearing very fast in Tamil nadu. It kills the core value of Tamil culture. This scenario is applied for normal ordinary persons.

This year 2008 Feb 16 Actress Vindhya married Actress Banupriya brother Gopi If you look out photo there is no much marriage happiness both in Vindhya face and Gopi face. There could be something was cooking in between the couple. Now the reason is burst. There is strong rumor that there is much misunderstanding happened between actress Vindhya and her husband and both are living separately since last 3-4 months. Both Vindhya and Gopi decided to apply for divorce to court soon.

Here are some hot pictures of Vindhya

Vindhya Wedding Photos

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