Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Rakshita playing best role as mom

Rakshita playing best role as mom

May 19, 2009

Remember Rakshita, who did films like Shivamani, Andhrawala and Idiot etc… She bid good bye to acting after getting married to Kannada director Prem. Rakshita is a mother now. “Earlier, I’d wonder why people kept saying that they couldn’t stay away from their little ones. Now I know exactly how it feels — I can never let Surya go out of my sight,” smiles the former heart-throb. She adds, “Prem’s and my world only revolves around Surya now; he has us all wrapped around his little finger. Every morning, I wait for him to wake up just to look at those shiny eyes. He’s even started smiling and it’s the best feeling in the world,” she gushes.

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