Thursday, May 14, 2009

Salman fulfills Asin’s long time wish

Salman fulfills Asin’s long time wish

May 14, 2009

Asin’s longstanding wish will soon be fulfilled. While she was being pampered by everyone on the sets of London Dreams, Asin happened to tell co-star Salman Khan about her love for pets. A source from the unit said, “While chatting during a break, Asin told us all how she always wanted a pet dog when she was a child. However, her father Joseph Thottumkal always evaded the subject of bringing home a pet and kept promising her one when she turned 10 years old.

Once she turned 10, he told her he’d get her one when she turns 15. Asin said that the years went by but she never got to keep a pet dog at home. Touched by her story, Salman, who is a dog lover, has been looking for a suitable pet, which he wants to gift to Asin,” added the source. When asked about Salman gifting Asin a pet dog, he said, “I have absolutely no idea about it.”

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