Monday, May 4, 2009

Sex bomb steals towels and soaps from hotel

Sex bomb steals towels and soaps from hotel

May 4, 2009

The hot sex bomb Bhuvaneshwari is now struggling to bag roles in films. She is very bold and is game for skin show and she has proved this in several films. She however is now not in demand in Telugu for unknown reasons.

Bhuvanehswari is now acting in a TV serial. She was put up in a five star hotel by the producer. But when she checked out from the hotel after her shooting came to an end, she is reported to have taken away bath towels and soaps from the hotel room.

The room boys who noticed this reported the matter to the hotel manager. But the manager did not take it seriously as the amount involved was not much. He just laughed it off and closed the matter.

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