Monday, June 22, 2009

Heroine Asin Is Injured!!!

Heroine Asin Is Injured!!!

June 22, 2009

Hot Malayalam beauty Asin who is currently practicing Kalaripayattu for the film ‘The 19th Step’ tasted the first hurdle when she injured herself and her leg got swollen. But then this did not stop her from attending an awards night few days later and she was successful in hiding her pain too.

Apparently, Asin does not believe in taking allopathic medicines and justifies her stand on her upbringing and environment. So much so that even they treat sugar as ‘white poison’ and use Jaggery in the place of it. Perhaps that is one reason why Asin tends to look so beautiful and fresh.

To top it all, the pretty starlet returned to Mumbai only to get to her own home rather than going to her parents. Well, Asin says that she has been trained to live life independently so a normal swelling may not stop her from doing that. That’s Asin for you folks.

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