Monday, June 29, 2009

Kavya Madhavan back to acting

Kavya Madhavan back to acting

June 29, 2009

Malayalam actress Kavya Madhavan got married to a Kuwait engineer Nishanth Chandra last February. She said that she will not act in films after her marriage. So she completed her films she was having in her hand and went to live with her husband at Kuwait. Now she is coming back to act in films. Kavya while speaking about this said,” I am living happily with my husband in Kuwait.

But lots of people are compelling me to act. My husband has also permitted me to act if I was willing. I will be coming to India next month. I will be listening to lot of stories at that time. If I like the story I will act. Since I am married I have a lot of responsibly so I will be careful in choosing my roles.”

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