Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Namitha lures fans through emails

Namitha lures fans through emails

June 30, 2009

Hot babe of Kollywood, Namitha is using some innovative methods to grab the attention of her fans and pull them to them theaters.

For her next film Indira Vizha, Namitha has gone to the extent of e-mailing her fans!

The latest we hear about Namitha is that the team has adopted a new technique to promote their film that is scheduled for release on July 10.

We understand that the actress has sent 20 thousand mailers, which contains stills and interesting tidbits about the film. IV has Srikanth is playing the lead role.

According to a press release, Namitha has addressed her fans in her unique 'tanglish' (like the famous 'Hi Machans...') style. Apparently, the sultry siren is also responding to some of the mails.

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