Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sneha's secret behind weight loss

Sneha's secret behind weight loss

June 23, 2009

It is well aware that many of the north Indian heroines of the current generation are competing with each other to achieve size zero. The trend has slowly inched towards southern India. The fatty beauty of the south, Namitha has shed seven kg for a police officer’s role and same is the case with Sneha, who has lost several kgs of weight.

Disclosing the secret behind the way to appear slim and trim, Sneha said, “It is not that easy to lose weight by working and sweating out in gym by doing various exercises. It took me almost eight months to reach this stage and to cut down seven kg. It is of no use if you work out and eat food with fat content. You should also maintain huge diet restrictions and work out in a perfect way under the guidance of an efficient instructor to get expected results.”

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