Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Nayanatara’s life in danger?

Nayanatara’s life in danger?

October 1, 2009

Prabhu Deva’s wife warned to kill Nayanatara if Prabhu deva and Nayanatara and are found together. Prabhu Deva has become the most wanted man in his life. Prabhu Deva has become most popular with his first hindi film ‘Wanted’.He has went to Mumbai along with his lover Nayanatara and enjoying by spending time with her by leaving his first wife alone. Prabhu Deva’s wife openly said that there would be a war among Nayanatara and her and she would also pull Prabhu Deva if he get married with Nayanatara.she also said that she would cross any limits, even killing Nayanatara.

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