Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sneha gets pinched on her waist in Public

Sneha gets pinched on her waist in Public

September 28, 2009

Actress Sneha who is adorned for her pretty face was molested in public recently at a function to which the pretty actress was invited as a chief guest. The incident took place in Tiruchi from where the actress was invited for a 1st anniversary celebration of a famous jewellery store in the Chinna Kadai Street.

As expected, when the news that actress Sneha was the chief guests erupted, it spread like a wild fire. Soon crowds who claimed to be die hard fans of Sneha thronged at the function venue. As soon as Actress Sneha started to climb the stairs, a large number of people crowded her and surrounded her in order to have a glimpse of her closely. Seeing this as a right opportunity a well built man, pinched the waits of Sneha and also tried to pres the bottom of Sneha tightly. He was caught red handed on doing so by the actress and was handed over to police. Later on when probed the mischief guy was identified as a owner of a Chit Fund Company who could not resist on seeing the gorgeous looking Sneha.

When this incident was narrated to a daily newspaper by the actress, she added that this is not the first time she faced such incident. She also disclosed that a unit member tried to grab her secret parts while she was changing her dress in an outdoor shoot. She also thanked the director that she was saved by him from further embarrassment.

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