Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Khushbu had a narrow escape

Khushbu had a narrow escape

October 7, 2009

Actress Khushbu still shudders with fear when she thinks of the narrow escape she had at the Pulau Redang Island in Malaysia, when a huge tidal wave swept the island recently.

Recounting her experience, Khushbu says, “I had visited my husband Sundar C with my kids at the Pulau Redang Island where he was shooting for his next film, Guru Sishyan with his unit. While Sundar was with us on the 29th floor of the hotel, the unit members were returning to the hotel in a ferry. That’s when the huge tidal wave hit the island and the entire hotel building shook. We couldn’t contact the unit as the mobile phone signal went low. They finally reached the hotel safe and sound after four-and-a-half hours. The ride generally takes just forty minutes. I thank God for the second lease of life.”

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