Sunday, October 11, 2009

Namitha Fireworks are on demand

Namitha Fireworks are on demand

October 12, 2009

Diwali which is fast approaching seems to be a festival of crackers to the youngsters. But this year the firecrackers named after seductive actress is said to be on demand in south India. The crackers are getting labeled with the names of actresses such as Shreya, Sneha, Anushka, Nayan, Trisha and Namitha.

But out in the demand is Namitha’s cracker which are said to be a 16 head rocket cracker which zooms into the skies by making a cracking sound in a melodious tune format.

This Cracker is named as Namitha’s rocket which is in the range of 799Rs -900rs. The young generations, especially teenagers are thronging to buy this Namitha cracker which has a bikini pose of actress Namitha.

So, Namitha Kapoor must ask for a royalty from the crackers company from next year.

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