Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Actress Ranjitha gets support from Kollywood

Actress Ranjitha gets support from Kollywood

March 25, 2010

The yesteryear actress Ranjitha was exposed with an unexpected
issues of an affair with Swami Nithyanandha. We aren’t sure with certain buzzes that it happened merely because of a clash between Swamji and a reputed media channel.

But the Kollywood celebrities seem to have extended their support to the actress that it’s her personal issue and shouldn’t be interfered. Ace writer Gynani has mentioned that it’s always women, who’re frequently hurt by such issues and Ranjitha needn’t worry as she has her own right to have affair with any men.

Some of the journalists pointed this issue towards certain actors and actresses, for which they manifestly replied, ‘It’s her personal issue and we don’t have any rights to interfere with it.’ (KT)

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