Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Financial Worries Forced Devayani into this

Financial Worries Forced Devayani into this

March 10, 2010

It is known news that the former heroine Devayani is the ruling queen of hearts for the ladies at
home who watch the serials. Yes, Devayani has scored a super hit in terms of her presence on the small screen and now she is making her comeback into the silver screen and that too in a Malayalam movie.

While some are quite excited about it, inside sources reveal that it is due to the financial crunch situation that Devayani is again having to take up films. Normally, serials are actress free and she can work in Chennai but films is a different ball game altogether.

However, sources close to her family say that there are few huge financial obligations that they have to clear due to which Devayani made this decision. Let us hope this helps. (GUL)

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