Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Jeyam Ravi blessed with boy baby

Jeyam Ravi blessed with boy baby

July 1, 2010

It is looking like a similar luck is prevailing amongst the Kollywood actors as they have been becoming fathers of baby boys. Previously it was Surya and Dhanush bagging the greatest gifts and now Jeyam Ravi joins the league. His wife Aarthi has delivered a baby boy day before yesterday at Apollo Hospital in Chennai. Ravi was busy shooting for the film ‘Aadhi Bhaghavan’ in Malaysia and soon after completing the schedule will be back to Chennai. The family members of Ravi have been elated with the birth of child and are sharing their happiness with all family members.

We congratulate Ravi and Aarthi wishing them success throughout their life. (CS)

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