Monday, June 21, 2010

Nayantara rejects 1 crore offer!

Nayantara rejects 1 crore offer!

June 22, 2010

Today many top actresses like Trisha, Asin are earning lots of money through acting in many commercial adds, the sexy and hot actress Nayantara rejected 1 crore offer by declining to endorse a popular consumer goods product. It is said that a famous consumer goods company had approached the actress recently to be a brand ambassador for their products but the actress says ‘strict no’ before they completes their discussions on it and even though they are ready to pay 1 crore.

Nayantara says “Once I decide about something, seldom do I revoke that decision. Irrespective of the money offered to me, I said ‘no’ to the offer to endorse the company’s products. I do not want to cheat people by making them believe that I am using the product in order to get them buy it for the sake of the money offered to me. I simply can’t understand this logic.” [WaY]

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