Saturday, June 12, 2010

Sangeetha to Play an Innocent Girl in Manmadhan Ambu

Sangeetha to Play an Innocent Girl in Manmadhan Ambu

June 13, 2010


Sangeetha says that Kamal Hassan is her Guru. While sharing about her experience in the movie, she said that this time she’ll be playing the role of an innocent girl, which she is new to her. So it seems that Kamal is conducting rehearsals at his Alwarpet office.

Sangeetha also said that her next venture is Thambi Kottai, where in she’ll be working with stars like Narain, Prabhu, Meena and more.

Thambi Kottai is being directed by Ammu Ramesh and produced by D.Imman. (CS)

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