Sunday, June 13, 2010

Swami Nithyananda granted conditional bail

Swami Nithyananda granted conditional bail

June 14, 2010

Swami Paramahamsa Nithyananda has finally been granted with controversial bail after the court did not find any concrete evidence to deny him a bail. The sex sanyasi of Bangalore was arrested under the charges of allegedly having sex with Tamil actress Ranjitha in his Bidadi ashrama.

Nithyanada was absconding immediately after
his sex tape with Tamil actress Ranjitha had hit the TV screens and Internet. The Bangalore Police had filed cases like allegedly having sex with Tamil actress Ranjitha, illegally occupying the land of poor farmers and murder attempt against him.

Later in April, Nithyananda was arrested from Himachal Pradesh by Bangalore police was handed over to CBI for investigation. But the CBI could not find any concrete evidence to prove the charges made against him. After looking into his case, the judge from civil court issued him the conditional bail on last Friday.

However, the court has allowed him to take the bail with surety of two persons and a one-lakh bond. He has been ordered to surrender his passport and forbidden from holding any public discourses. Meanwhile, he has asked to report to a local police station once every fortnight. (OI)

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