Thursday, March 19, 2009

Mumaith's Bikini Lacks Recognition

Mumaith's Bikini Lacks Recognition

March 20th, 2009

She is known as the item queen of Tollywood and though she hails from Bollywood, the Telugu circuit has become very much a part of her home and she has been ruling the roost here. She is none other than Mumaith Khan and now she has also progressed to become a heroine too.

Mumaith is all set to arrive with the movie ‘Punnami Nagu’ and she had sent a hot message by coming up with a hot bikini song in the film, the photos of which have been circulating across various websites. This has been canned by the veteran Kodhandarami Reddy who did the same act for the sexy siren Shraddha Arya.

However, reports have been coming in that the bikini effect of Mumaith has not been so impressive and many are heard saying that they would love to see someone like Nayantara and Anushka in bikini than Mumaith. In fact, whatever Mumaith has shown all these days is seen again in bikini. Hence nothing new is striking the eyes of people. So it looks like the item queen’s hot efforts seem to have gone in vain.

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