Monday, April 27, 2009

Actor Silambarasan To Rock In Ajith’s Asal

Actor Silambarasan To Rock In Ajith’s Asal

April 27, 2009

With Ajith’s Asal all set to roll,
there are some very interesting facts being revealed. The introduction song is being planned on a grand scale and Bhardwaj is working extra hard to ensure that his tune matches the expectations. The most interesting part is that Silambarasan will be lending his voice for Ajith. Now, that will be interesting!

One hero singing for another, the rarest of rare cases. But, one is sure that Silambarasan , a self confessed admirer and close friend of Ajith will only be glad to do it. Silmabarasan has already given quite a few hits in his own voice, including a few songs sung for others too. The one in Asal, if it happens, will be a special one for all involved.

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