Monday, April 27, 2009

Sada's second innings

Sada's second innings

April 27, 2009

Hottie Sada is anxiously waiting for her Bollywood debut (Click) in which she plays the lead opposite
Shreyas Talpade. “I play the role of a glamorous model in the film,” she says. Sada claims that there is no language barrier for actors and she is all for meaty roles in regional films. True enough, Sada’s Tamil debut Jayam, which was followed by Anniyan and Unnale Unnale have clicked at the BO.

Interestingly, her Tollywood movie Aparachitudu, might have been a blockbuster, but she hasn’t really been able to cash in on her success. “My female-oriented roles scuttled my career,” she rues. There’s hope though. Her next Tollywood film A aa E ee seems to be promising, she says and would be an “ideal comeback film.” Will she ‘click’ here again? Now, that is the big question!

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