Monday, April 27, 2009

Anjana wins Vivel Miss Chinnathirai (Small Screen) - 2009

Anjana wins Vivel Miss Chinnathirai (Small Screen) - 2009

April 27, 2009

Vivel ‘Miss Chinnathirai’ was held on Saturday
evening at Ramavaram’s L’Amicale Club. It was a star-spangled occasion as Small screen’s gorgeous missies and anchors took part in it. Vision Pro Event Management hosted the grand event.

Anjana won the title of ‘Miss Chinnathirai – 2009’, A MBA student and yet gets on anchor in part time. The runners-up were Aishwarya and Ranjini who were felicitated on the dais.
Muruga – Pidichirukku fame Ashok, Blade Dheena, Actress Uma Riyaaz, Fashion Designer Karishma, Miss South Indian Saviya, Riya took part as juries.

Also present for the occasion were Suchitra, Shaam, Suhasini, Vishwa, Bhuvana and many others.

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