Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Kollywood Producer File A Case Against Suhasini Mani Ratnam

Kollywood Producer File A Case Against Suhasini Mani Ratnam

June 3, 2009

Producer-director Shakthi Chidambaram had said that he would file a case against Suhasini Mani Ratnam for commenting on his recently released Rajathi Raja in bad taste. The actress, in a TV show hosted by her, reviewed Rajathi Raja and said that it has used the commercial formula used in MGR, Rajini and Vijay films and added that the movie had pushed Tamil cinema where it was twenty years ago.

Irked by her comment, Shakthi Chidambaram questioned if that is so, her husband Mani Ratnam is making a film based on Ramayana, which is more that 2000 years old. He added that all Mani’s previous films were based on historical books like Karnan, Satyavan Savithri and the like. Wonder what Suhasini has to say to this?

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