Monday, June 29, 2009

Namitha looking out for Size Zero

Namitha looking out for Size Zero

June 29, 2009

Oops! We aren’t sure and yet cannot get stroked with imagination. Namitha looking out for Size Zero; Isn’t that a big deal? Almost an unforeseen wonder in the history of tinsel town… Surely, Namitha doesn’t reveal about her workouts on getting to Size zero. Perhaps, it’s more evident with her nutritionist Rujutha Diwakar who made Kareena look like a eel fish. Precisely, Namitha has been obtaining the best tips on getting slimmed look. Now, she has lost almost 8Kgs. At the moment, she hasn’t done any Tamil films and strongly admits that she’s looking for meaty roles. But on the pars, she’s occupied with more projects in Telugu.

Much more highlighting part about her is that the actress has started promoting her film ‘Indiravizha’ through her online community. She has been sending individual mails to every fan and the film has set for the release on July 10.

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