Monday, June 29, 2009

Poor Charmee Gets Iron Leg Image

Poor Charmee Gets Iron Leg Image

June 29, 2009

She is known as the charming beauty of Tollywood and she has paired up with the likes of Nagarjuna at one point of time. She is none other than Charmee but right now all her charms have been replaced by an iron leg image that she has got in the recent past.

Apparently, after the super success of ‘Manthra’ , Charmee became a hot cake as a solo heroine but then she ended up with a flurry of flops and that too with movies which had her as the main lead. Since then, her graphs have dipped badly and it is heard that now she is not finding any takers.

However, analysts say that this is just a phase that Charmee is going through and add that she would bounce back soon. Who knows earlier Shriya also got such image but the pretty starlets answered back with a bang with the super successful ‘Sivaji’.

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