Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Ramya Krishna Tightened Her ‘Tissues’?

Ramya Krishna Tightened Her ‘Tissues’?

June 24, 2009

She is known as the ravishing seductress of the southern circuit and though she has passed her prime, she has enough sex appeal to give a run to the youngest and sexiest heroines around. She is none other than Ramya Krishna and yet again she has proved why men are crazy about her.

The hot lady is now seen in the latest release ‘Raju Maharaju’ pairing up with Mohan Babu and those who have seen the film say that her cheeks are looking healthier and she has done something to neat ageing signs say some ladies those have watched her in the film.

While some opine that Ramya might have gone in for tightening of her tissues on face, those who know her say that the pretty lady believes in strict yoga and exercise followed by a healthy diet which makes her look so appealing even today. While the ladies think it is tissue tightening, the men don’t seem to care much as they feel lighter looking at Ramya and that’s what matters to them finally.

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