Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Shocking Report: Ajith bashes out Vijay on political grounds

Shocking Report: Ajith bashes out Vijay on political grounds

June 24, 2009

Alas! Vijay wouldn’t have expected this shocking statement from ‘Ultimate Star’ Ajith Kumar. Perhaps, the actor and his father is much distressed with her statement of being washed away by Ajith’s statement. When asked whether Ajith Kumar would be stepping into world of Politics as Vijay, he made a simple yet offending statement, ‘I strictly follow the footsteps of Dr. Rajkumar who said – If I am a politico, I must lie and so I hate being so.’ With a charming smile, Ajith Kumar uttered and walked with an ‘ASAL’ style …

Vijay is quite wondering what really urged Ajith Kumar to speak such words… Will he remain elated or the situations turn entangled with his speech.

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