Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Villain Asked me to Co-operate in Rape Scene

Villain Asked me to Co-operate in Rape Scene

October 1, 2009

Keerthi Chawla who is buzzing in the media for her bikini acts and for acting in a rape scene has revealed that she has no intentions to take on the wrong route to attain stardom. She says that the movie “ Swetha” demanded her to be in some revealing costumes which were meant only to narrate her character. She also revealed that she was scared to act in a rape scene as she never experienced before.

Keerthi disclosed that the villain Shiv made her relaxed and asked her to co-operate in such a way that the act looks real. Keerthi on request of the director Sanjeev and the Villain tried her best to get into the character and the scenes in a realistic way.

Keerthi also disclosed that she never gets into the Vulgar acts for money sake and will never do glamour roles except when the script demands.

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