Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Preethi returns to Kollywood

Preethi returns to Kollywood

September 30, 2009

Preethi Jhangiani who was seen with Prashanth in Tamil film Hello a decade ago, moved on to Telugu and Hindi films. She then briefly hit the headlines last year when she got married to actor Parvin Dabbas. Now she is coming out with a bang in Kollywood where she will be seen in Madan directed by J.Akash. The film casts Jai Akash along with two heroines: Sunaina and Renuka Menon. Peethi will be paired with actor JD chakravarthy.The movie will be action cum romantic flick and is produced by digital Rajaram with music being scored by Sai Sreedhar- Kodeeswaran.

Let see if she can create the same old magic !!

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