Sunday, October 4, 2009

Ram and Kajal living together in same building

Ram and Kajal living together in same building

October 5, 2009

In Ganesh movie Ram lives as neighbor to Kajal in posh apartments, but in the real life what is going on between them. As per the film nagar sources the hot buzz is Ram and Kajal are living in same building!

In film industry some denies that it is a rumor and some say it is true. Some say that Kajal and her Mom have good rapport with Sravanthi Ravi Kishore and hence might have stayed along with his family for some time during the making of Ganesh. But not only that kajal and Ram move together, dance together and cozy up during parties and in dancing zones, they hug each other when they meet.

After Allu Arjun, Ram seems to be the best friend for Kajal in all sorts of things.

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