Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sexy Actress Says Good bye to Movies

Sexy Actress Says Good bye to Movies

October 5, 2009

Hot actress Meera Chopra of Bangaram and Vana fame is officially bidding goodbye to film industry. The film Jaganmohini will be her last film. All her film bombed at the box-office and even offers stopped knocking her. She realised not to waste time and is planning to get back to the hospitality industry from where she came from. Her family owns a chain of hotels in UK. Now, She is planning to launch a chain of hotels in India too.

Meera revealed her decision in a recent interview to a popular news daily. "I realized I am a complete misfit in cinemas and that I don't belong in here. I am planning to expand my business and Jaganmohini will be my last feature film," says Meera.

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