Thursday, March 25, 2010

Bad News from Endhiran team

Bad News from Endhiran team

March 26, 2010

Endhiran which is a dream project of south Indian film director Shanker has a bad news for its fans. The movie releases is furthermore delayed and is postponed to October-November 2010.

Well, the delay in the project is bit disappointing news for all those who are eager to have a glimpse of it. But the good news is that the
delay is worthy for the time as the reason is said to be addition of 3D affects.

After seeing the movie “Avatar”, Shanker desired to have his part of “Endhiran” follow the present 3D fashion. So, the entire production team of “Endhiran” is working on the dream and desire of Shanker and will re-work on 250 special affect mixing from now on.

The computer graphics- CG are almost complete and a portion of the film, which is the climax, has to be induced with some CG work. After canning a song, which is still in the recording stages, the entire film shoot will be winded off and then the post production work will resume in a couple of months again.

So, for this reason, the movie is said to take more 4 months time and is expected to be a grand Dasara 2010 release. AR Rahman has composed the music for this film, which features Rajnikanth and Aishwarya Rai in lead. (HC)

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