Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Ileana charges 1.10 crores for ‘Tom and Jerry’

Ileana charges 1.10 crores for ‘Tom and Jerry’

March 17, 2010

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Ileana is said to be charging a remuneration of Rs.1.10 crores. The hot actress has been roped in for a film under the banner ‘Sravanthi Movies‘ with Sravanthi Ravi Kishore as the producer. Young hero Ram is playing the male lead in the film. Surender Reddy who has given a blockbuster hit ‘Kick’ in 2009 with Ileana is directing this film also.

The movie is tentatively titled as ‘Tom and Jerry’ and Ileana is said to be charging a whopping sum of Rs.1.10 crores for 65 days of shooting. (CHIT)

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