Sunday, March 7, 2010

Shriya is best; says Gayathri Raghuram

Shriya is best: says Gayathri Raghuram

March 8, 2010

The well-known actress, dancer cum choreographer Gayathri Raghuram says that Shriya saran is splendid
and very expressive actress of all the actors I have worked with. She enjoyed very well while working with Shriya for the song ‘Excuse Me Mr Kanthaswamy…’

She has choreographed nearly 30 songs and they are of mostly romantic duets. Some of her upcoming films include ‘Ko, Kachery Aarambam, Thottuppar, Madharasapattinam, Aattanayakan’ and ‘Magizhchi’.

She says “Though I am into choreography full time, I have not turned my back to acting. I don’t mind facing the camera again, if a good role comes my way. And I am interested at directing films too”.

In the mean time, she is working for Kamal project ‘Yavarum Kelir’ by assisting K S Ravikumar. [WaY]

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