Sunday, March 7, 2010

Trisha says no for younger heroes

Trisha says no for younger heroes

March 8, 2010

Trisha is related with the success of 'Vinnaithandi Varuvaya' (Tamil Version Of Ye Maya Chesave) but also has declared that she won't do one
thing she did for 'Vinnaithandi Varuvaya' ever again. Not the lip lock scenes she was referring to, but something else.

Trisha plays the role of Jessie in 'Vinnaithandi Varuvaya' whose age is supposed to be a year more than Karthik character played by Silambarasan (Simbu) in the film. How come Trisha agreed to play older to Silambarasan?

She says initially she refused to do the role and even argued and fought with the director for that. But finally Gautham managed to convince her telling the story needs it. Now after seeing the film and the wonderful reception her character gets Trisha is more than happy to have done that role. But will she do it again? Never the beauty asserts. Jessie is different. (GUL)

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